CSS based on conditions for 2 specific divs

Hello, I am working on an HTML page where I need to apply CSS only if certain conditions are met.

The div with the id "flipbook-page3-front" will always be present on this HTML page.

Sometimes, another div with the id "pagesFlipbook" may also appear on the page.

These two divs are not siblings and are not positioned sequentially.

I want to style the "flipbook-page3-front" div only when the "pagesFlipbook" div is present. Is there a way to achieve this in CSS? Below is my current CSS code without any conditions:

  width: 4000px !important; /*LARGEST WIDTH OF SCALED IMAGES*/
  left: -800px !important;

Answer №1

To ensure this code works correctly, make sure the parent div has the class pagesFlipbook.

You can write conditional CSS using the following syntax:

.pagesFlipbook .flipbook-page3-front { /* add your CSS styles here */ }

Answer №2

A solution to this problem is achievable, refer to the code snippet provided below...

const target = document.querySelector('#pagesFlipbook')
    if(target !== null){

To implement this functionality, you can define the following CSS class...

width: 4000px !important; /*SET MAXIMUM WIDTH FOR IMAGES*/
  left: -800px !important;

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