Why isn't the background of the container div at the top when using multiple CSS sheets?

I am revitalizing a dull website and seeking feedback on my template design here: Check out the ideal look It's quite lovely!

However, as I attempt to incorporate my background, menu, and footer elements, I seem to be experiencing issues with my container image disappearing.

/* structure */
.container {
background: url(/img/bgcontainer.gif) repeat-y;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 702px;

I tried removing position:relative; but that didn't solve the problem. It's important to note that I am reliant on a web content manager due to limited access, resulting in my CSS sheet being placed oddly on the page. Here is how the current page appears without the bgcontainer.gif: View the current page

Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Answer №1

Using firebug, it is evident that the HTML structure of the two pages varies significantly. The "good" page has a ".container" div as the main wrapper for most content, indicated by a black border:

Conversely, the "wrong" page features a "#container" div in the same area with another nested ".container" div inside. This nested div only wraps the header.

The "#container" div on the "wrong" page spans the entire width of the page.

On a side note, I appreciate your design choice.

UPDATE: This is how the page appears after applying float: left; and left:107px; to the ".container" div.

Answer №2

Let me highlight the main issue:

The disparity in HTML page structures makes it impossible to attribute this issue to just one line of code. The "old" page incorporates 5 stylesheets, while the "new" page relies on only a single stylesheet.

When you introduce your default.css stylesheet, the discrepancy between your old and new pages becomes apparent. The old page is influenced by FOUR other stylesheets that are also affecting the styling, often overriding your own styles.

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