Incorporating smooth sliding animation to ng-repeat elements

Our team has developed a custom widget in ServiceNow that displays a row of icons and reveals or hides additional details in a div when icons are clicked. Below is the structure of our html and client controller:

<div class="icons">
  <ul class="flex justify-content-center align-items-center">
    <li ng-repeat="item in track by $index">
      <a class="link" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="c.getInfo(item)">
        <i title="{{item.titles}}" class='fa {{item.icon}} fa-3x circle-icon'></i>

<div class="linkList text-center"
     ng-repeat="thing in track by $index"
    <li class="m-b-sm" ng-repeat="link in thing.links">
      <a href="{{link.link_url}}">{{link.link_title}}</a>
function($scope) {
    /* widget controller */
    var c = this;

    c.getInfo = function(item) {
        var isDisplaying = false;
        if(item.isVisible== true){
            isDisplaying = true;

        for(var i=0; i<; i++){
  [i].isVisible = false;

        if(isDisplaying == true){
            item.isVisible = false;


While the functionality works well, we aim to enhance user experience by incorporating a sliding effect to the .linkList class. The current behavior is too abrupt when the div appears after an icon is clicked. Is there a way to integrate a smooth sliding transition effect to the div using CSS?

Answer №1

To create a smooth animation effect using only CSS, apply the following code to the element that will be hidden/shown. This animation will trigger whenever the 'display' attribute in CSS changes. It is likely for the linkList element.

.linkList {
animation: slideFromLeft .2s;
    animation-timing-function: ease;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    opacity: 0;
@keyframes slideFromLeft{
  0% {
      opacity: 0;
      transform: translateX(50px);
  100% {
      opacity: 1;
      transform: none;

Note: You may need to replace ng-if with ng-show in the linkList element.

Answer №2

According to the Documentation:

AngularJS animations rely entirely on CSS classes. If you have a CSS class assigned to an HTML element in your application, you can implement animations for it.

When ngRepeat adds a new item to the list, it will append an ng-enter class to the element. When removed, it will add an ng-leave class, and when moved, it will apply an ng-move class.

To learn more, visit

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