Reacting to the dynamic removal of spaces

Is there a way to dynamically remove the space between removed chips and older chips in Material-UI when deleting one of them?

                        <div className="row contactsContainer">
                            { => (
                                <div className="col-lg-1 col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6 my-5">
                                        <HighlightOffOutlinedIcon id={`del-${contact!.phone}`} />
                                            alt={`${contact ? : ""}`}
                                            className={`li-avatar ${contact ? "" : "d-none"}`}
                            <div className="col-lg-1 col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6 my-5 ">
                            {/* <Chip
                                            alt="add contact"
                                            title="Add New Contact"
                                    /> */}
                                <a onClick={handleClickOpen}>
                                    <img src={add_image} alt="add_image" className="circle_image" />

Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Can I accomplish this using Material-UI instead of Bootstrap as shown in this example?

Answer №1

I am confident that the solution will work as expected. Could you kindly provide the code for the function used to eliminate the Chip? My understanding is that removing the item should also remove any associated spaces. Perhaps a more detailed explanation of your issue would help clarify things?

Check out this demonstration using material-ui to see how chips can be removed from an array:

Explore the chip removal example on CodeSandbox

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