Incorporating background icons or images into an HTML table cell

I want to create a golf leaderboard design similar to the one on, with circles representing birdies and squares for bogeys.

This project utilizes Bootstrap for styling and PHP for database management and logic.

Currently, I am working within the loop that displays the table content (mainly <td> elements), and I have attempted the following code snippet:

switch ($tmp['holeNettPoints'][$i]) {
  case 3:
    $img = 'background="assets/img/oval.png"';
    $img = "";
}                                                                              }
echo "<td ".$img.">".$tmp['holeNettPoints'][$i]."</td>";

However, the result is a repetition of the circular image (oval.png) in each cell it is applied to, rather than centered singularly behind the number:

Do you think my approach is incorrect? Are there alternative methods or HTML/CSS properties that could help achieve the desired layout?

Answer №1

Thanks to the advice of @julien.giband and some trial and error, I was able to find a layout that suited my needs perfectly. The CSS snippet that finally worked for me is as follows:

th, td {
    padding: 4px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
    text-align: center;
    align-items: center;

While there are many alignment options and properties available in both HTML and CSS specifications, this particular combination did the trick for me...

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