CSS :hover activates only when the mouse is in motion

Looking at a simple example I put together:


<div id="sample"></div>


#sample {


It's a hidden DIV that changes color on hover.

After 2 seconds, JavaScript reveals it:

setTimeout(function() {

If the mouse is over the area where the DIV will appear before it does so, it won't show the hover effect until you move the mouse. See a demo here.

Is this intentional? Is there a way to detect if the DIV is hovered without using JS?

Answer №1

Although the opacity property can be used, as mentioned by @BrianPhillips, it may not function properly in IE 8. If you're looking for a workaround that involves Javascript, here's a concise solution:

    ev = event || window.event;
    if (event.pageX <= 400 && event.pageY <= 400){
        document.getElementById('bla').style.backgroundColor= "red";
    } else {
        document.getElementById('bla').style.backgroundColor= "green";
setTimeout(function() {

Check out the demo here

Answer №2

By setting the display to none, you are essentially removing the image from the layout, which means there is no area to hover over.

To work around this issue, you can set the background-image in your CSS to rgba(0 0 0 0); This will make the image invisible while still maintaining its presence in the DOM. You can then update your JavaScript code to:

setTimeout(function() {

Check out this JSFiddle for reference.

Answer №3

If you want to control the visibility of an element without affecting the flow of the page, one option is to use CSS opacity and set the position to absolute. This method seems to be effective:


#example {
    opacity: 0;
    position: absolute;


setTimeout(function() {


It's worth noting that using opacity allows elements to respond to events like click or hover, unlike elements with visibility: hidden or display:none. (source)

Keep in mind that opacity may not be supported in IE 8 and earlier versions.

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