Positioning Tumblr blockquotes beneath each other, rather than within

Just diving into the world of HTML/CSS and I've been working hard on creating my own Tumblr theme (almost finished!). One issue I'm having is styling the replies, which are in blockquote form. I want them to display one after another in a line like rectangles (similar to forum posts), but I can't figure it out. Right now, they're stacking inside each other as default:

You can see what I mean...1

Any ideas or suggestions would be really appreciated. Thank you so much :)

Answer №1

The {Caption} variable does not allow for manipulation, so a script is necessary for any changes. However, there is a plugin that can help achieve this, which you can find at un-nest tumblr captions.

If you take a look at the code of the new default tumblr theme, you'll notice several undocumented variables they used to accomplish this task.

Here's an example of the code they have for a photo post:

<figcaption class="caption">

<div class="reblog-list">
    <div class="post-reblog-trail-item{block:isOriginalEntry} original-reblog-content{/block:isOriginalEntry}">
        <div class="post-reblog-header">
            <div class="post-avatar">
                <div class="post-avatar-wrapper">
                    <a class="post-avatar-link{block:isNotOriginalEntry} sub-icon-reblog{/block:isNotOriginalEntry}" href="{Permalink}" target="_blank">
                        <img class="post-avatar-image" src="{PortraitURL-64}">
                    <span class="inactive reblog-avatar{block:isNotOriginalEntry} sub-icon-reblog{/block:isNotOriginalEntry}">
                        <img class="post-avatar-image" src="{PortraitURL-64}">
            <a target="_blank" class="post-tumblelog-name" href="{Permalink}">{Username}</a>
            <span class="inactive post-tumblelog-name">{Username}</span>
        <div class="post-reblog-content">
            <div class="post-body">

It's worth noting that in my testing with the above code, changing {Portrait-64} to any other standard tumblr avatar size will revert back to the avatar of the blog you're currently on.

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