Hovering over an element will change its background color along with adjusting the background

I encountered a situation with the following code:


    div.testy {
        border:1px solid black;

    div.testy:hover {


<div class="testy" style="height:100px; 
background: url('down.png') no-repeat; background-size:contain;">

'down.png' is an image with a transparent background. My goal was to change the background color while still displaying the image in front of it.

The code above seems to be almost correct, but when I hover over the div, nothing happens as expected.

QUESTION: What could be causing the issue with hovering and changing the background color?

Check out this jsfiddle link for a demonstration of the problem: https://jsfiddle.net/sdsze2fv/

Answer №1

The issue lies in using background: to define the "background image". To distinguish between a background image and a background color, utilize background-color for color and background-image for images.

div.testy {
        border:1px solid black;

    div.testy:hover {

<div class="testy" style="height:100px; 
background-image: url('http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5.gif'); 

Answer №2

The reason behind this occurrence is that you have already specified the background inline within your HTML code. Inline styles always take precedence over styles defined in a CSS file unless the style has been marked with !important.

My suggestion would be to include only the background-image in your inline style, while setting the background-color in your CSS file.

div.testy {
  border:1px solid black;

div.testy:hover {
<div class="testy" style="height:100px; 
background-image: url('down.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size:contain;">

Answer №3

When setting the background inline, it takes precedence over the CSS rule. Inline styles always have a higher priority (except for styles with !important). To make it work, you can remove the inline style and place it in a CSS rule. Another solution is provided here:


In this case, we specify 'hey, I want the background image to be this' instead of just the background, which includes the image, color, repeat, etc. This shorthand method also sets the background color, causing it to override the hover effect.

Alternatively, you can remove the inline style and include it in the CSS rule without any changes, and it will work as expected.


div.testy {
   border:1px solid black;
   height: 100px;
   font-size: 25px;
   color: orange;
   background:  url('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Gluecksklee_(transparent_background)2.png') no-repeat;
   background-size: contain;

div.testy:hover {

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