Inconsistency in field generation in WordPress Contact Form 7 causing issues

After utilizing the WordPress plugin Contact Form 7 to put together a straightforward questionnaire, I discovered that two fields, Your Birthday and Your Email, were mistakenly generated on top of one another in the final output.

You can take a look at the form here.

Despite not implementing any custom styling and not finding any obvious issues through Firebug, I'm puzzled as to what could be causing this trouble.

Answer №1

Using Firebug, I made changes to this CSS,

.your-name, .your-email {
    float: left;
    width: 365px;
    margin-bottom: 3px;


.your-name, .your-email {
    width: 365px;
    margin-bottom: 3px;

This involved removing the float:left property which improved the appearance of the form. It was necessary to clear the float for better results.

You can view the final outcome here: picture.

Answer №2

Review your HTML layout. The current method you are using may not be optimal. Consider the following structure:

<p> Title </p>
<p> Input field here </p>

Avoid excessive
tags and ensure you are applying clear: both; to the p tags for proper formatting.

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