What is the best way to pinpoint particular text within a paragraph that includes numerous line breaks?

So here is the puzzling situation I'm grappling with.

Here's a peek at the HTML snippet:

<p>This paragraph has <br><br> two unusual line breaks <br><br> and it happens TWICE!</p>

The problem arises when trying to style the text This paragraph OR the content following the first pair of double line breaks.

I've attempted various CSS selectors like br + br and nth-selectors, but so far, nothing has worked.

The challenge lies in achieving this effect without using JavaScript. Any hints or solutions by CSS ONLY would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can utilize HTML coding as there does not appear to be a CSS-specific method for achieving the desired outcome.

<p><span id="excerpt">Here is a paragraph containing </span><br><br> two unconventional line breaks <br><br> repeated TWICE!</p>

Next, implement your CSS styles in the following manner:

//insert CSS properties here

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