In what way can a programmer create HTML tailored to a designer's needs, even without a comprehensive grasp of

Currently, I am diving into my most ambitious website project yet. It's worth mentioning that I'm utilizing ASP.NET MVC 2 and the Microsoft stack.

I value design and aesthetics greatly, knowing they can make or break the success of this endeavor. While I believe I have a decent grasp on basic usability principles, my skills in design and visuals are severely lacking.

As a programmer, there is still much for me to learn, especially when it comes to design patterns, best practices, and architectural considerations. Delving into CSS and design at this point might be too overwhelming for me.

That's why, for the time being, I plan to focus on functionality over design. Eventually, I may invest in outsourced design services to enhance the overall look and feel of the website.

The website solution I'm currently using includes the Blue Print CSS framework. However, after hearing differing opinions about CSS frameworks, I'm questioning whether this choice is truly beneficial.

In order to make the transition smoother for a future designer, how should I structure the View/Template code (HTML)? Should I utilize div tags? Is adding class names to content necessary? Would giving elements meaningful class names or IDs based on their content help or hinder the design process? Can I tackle these "design" considerations without a solid understanding of CSS? Should I stick to plain HTML without any styling or classes?

Quick edit: Just to clarify, I intend to leave the CSS duties to a professional. I don't mind if the site looks very basic until a designer adds their touch.

I hope this isn't too vague. Any advice, tips, or guidelines would be incredibly helpful. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

My recommendation is to begin by collaborating with a designer and allowing them to create a style guide based on the html you plan to use. Back when I started working on a regular ASP.NET application years ago, it took some time before an external design agency came on board. I insisted that we establish the design upfront, but unfortunately, we ended up wasting a lot of time trying to implement the strange html provided by the agency. To avoid this, make sure to communicate clearly from the start about your expectations and the type of html needed for the designers to work their magic effectively without requiring too much reworking on your end.

Best regards, Kris.

Answer №2

Create your content in a clean and simple way, using basic HTML and minimal styling. Make sure any dynamic content is easy to understand, maybe try using the Spark View Engine for even cleaner views (trust me, it's worth it).

If you bring on a designer, be prepared to work closely with them. Keeping things simple will lead to better results, and you may need to provide some guidance along the way.

Remember, front-end design and server-side coding should go hand-in-hand, just like HTML and CSS. They're all connected and impact each other.

Don't stress too much about div tags or class names - let the designer tweak those as needed. Start with what works for you and be open to changes down the road.

Once everything else is sorted out, make sure to give the designer a clear picture of your preferences. Share your color choices, layout ideas, and listen to their feedback for any necessary adjustments.

In the end, simplicity is key. Keep it straightforward and everyone will thank you for it.

Answer №3

Starting off, it's important to note that your approach of focusing on core functionality and leaving the design for later is a smart strategy if design is not your strong suit. While coding HTML according to best practices is crucial, be prepared to make adjustments once you bring in a designer as they may have fresh ideas you hadn't considered.

With that in mind:

How can I write View/Template code (HTML) to make it easier for a future designer?

Keep your code clean by using HTML tags for their intended purposes and avoiding excessive use of the "style" attribute. Ensure the generated HTML is well-organized and easily readable.

Is it appropriate to use div tags?

Yes, but only for logical divisions of the page.

Should I assign class names to content or leave it to the designer?

It's good practice to assign some basic class names to elements based on their content, but don't go overboard. Keep it simple and be open to changes suggested by the designer later on.

Can I handle design without deep CSS knowledge?

You can manage to some extent, but having a basic grasp of CSS will be beneficial. Consider going through a tutorial to familiarize yourself with CSS concepts.

Is plain HTML sufficient, or should I add styling?

While starting with plain HTML is fine, adding minimal styling with CSS can greatly improve the appearance of your page. Be open to collaborating with the designer to enhance the design further.

Answer №4

If you strive to excel in coding, it's highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with at the very least some basic CSS skills. It may seem challenging at first, but mastering this essential tool is crucial for becoming a proficient programmer with adaptable capabilities.

Answer №5

I was considering leaving a comment, but it seems like it would end up being too lengthy.

It appears that the others are correct in emphasizing clean HTML code.

It's important to have a good grasp of CSS so you can effectively structure your pages. If you're using a DIV to create a logical block on the page, it's advisable to give it an ID for identification purposes.

If there is a specific reason why one link should stand out from another beyond just style, consider assigning separate classes to those links.

Instead of getting caught up in how to arrange DIVs for a three-column layout, focus more on avoiding unnecessary divs purely for layout reasons. However, it's still beneficial to label sections with some indication of their purpose.

A skilled designer can often work wonders with plain CSS even on less-than-perfect markup. Providing IDs and classes throughout your pages makes it easier for designers to enhance your content without needing to make major structural changes once they receive the HTML.

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