In the production and development environments, the interpretation of CSS classnames is being rearranged

Currently utilizing create-react-app v2.

I've encountered an issue with a component that has multiple classnames: "x15 x14 login-form__field". Strangely, in the production build, the order of '.x14' and 'login-form__field' seems to be reversed compared to development. Any insights on why this might be happening? I am aware that webpack performs hoisting and post-processing tasks, but am unsure how it could lead to this discrepancy.


-- Update --

Upon closer inspection, I have noticed that the custom class is being injected as an inline style, giving it higher priority. It appears that webpack may be responsible for this behavior. Is there a way to instruct webpack/CRA to inject stylesheets instead of inline styles? Otherwise, the styling may not accurately reflect what is seen in production.

-- Second Update --

In the case of create-react-app, 'styleLoader' is used for injecting inline-styles during development for hot reloading, while CSS files are generated only for production builds. This choice seems logical considering the nature of these two environments.

Answer №1

When using create-react-app, the 'styleLoader' is utilized for inline styles during development to enable hot reloading, while CSS files are generated for production builds only.

Answer №2

When working with css modules in your project, you may encounter a situation where using 'composes' within your classes can cause unexpected issues. Specifically, if you are utilizing composes to inherit properties from another class located in a different file, the ordering of these classes may not behave as expected.

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