tips for selecting various API requests based on the selected drop down menu choice

Hey there! I'm looking to enhance my login page by adding a feature that allows users to select from a dropdown menu with different options. Each option will be linked to a specific API, and based on the API response, the user's ability to log in will be determined. How can I go about linking an API call to each menu option?

<label for="Hierarchy">hierarchy</label>
<select name="hierarchy" id="hierarchy" value="">
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="Staff">staff</option>
  <option value="Teacher"> teacher</option>
  <option value="Student">student</option>

Answer №1

To dynamically trigger API calls based on the option selected in a dropdown menu using jQuery, you can utilize the .change() event and retrieve the selected option value with this.value. This allows you to run the corresponding API call by evaluating the option value within an if statement.

Here's a demonstration of how this can be implemented:

$("#hierarchy").change(function() {
  let position = this.value;
  if(position == "Staff") {
    api_login('usa'/*ADD OTHER ARGUGMENTS HERE*/);
  } else if(position == "Teacher") {
    api_login('france'/*ADD OTHER ARUGMENTS HERE*/);
  } else if(position == "Student") {
    api_login('uk'/*ADD OTHER ARUGMENTS HERE*/);
  } else {
    console.log("Stop/Don't run any APIs");

function api_login(country, dealer_code, userid_code, actionID = '10', VRN = '', filename = '') {
  // Function implementation

If you intend to expand the options in your dropdown, consider using an object where the key is the option value and the value is the function responsible for triggering the API call.

Additionally, make sure to pass the country parameter through api_login() for dynamic API endpoint selection. As for other arguments, they need to be included based on your requirements. Note that the current URLs for API endpoints do not support appending the country at the beginning.

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