Have you ever created a CSS class that you've had to reuse multiple times?

They always told me to consolidate repeated properties in CSS into one rule, like the example below (please forgive the poor example).

I typically see this:

.button, .list, .items { color: #444; }

Having multiple rules like this can create a lot of clutter, right?

In tutorials and examples I've only seen this approach:

.someColor { color: #444; }

Then in the CSS, you just add another class '.sameColor'. (div class="button someColor")

I haven't seen this before, but it seems like it would result in less clutter in your CSS. Do you think this is okay? Or do you believe it might lead to more clutter in your HTML instead?

Answer №1

When naming your classes, it's important to choose names that are independent of their visual effects. CSS allows for easy design and layout changes without needing to alter the HTML structure. Avoid using class names like .someColor or .left-sidebar, as colors and positions can easily change over time.

Instead of adding classes to every div and span, consider applying rules to semantic HTML elements. This may seem obvious, but many people still make this mistake.

CSS offers a limited set of rules, which can actually be a great tool for sparking creativity.

Answer №2

Choosing between methods is really a matter of personal taste. From my experience, I find the second method mentioned in your list more suitable, especially when using more general class names like middleParagraph or headerGraphic to target specific areas rather than focusing on a particular color that may change over time.

Answer №3

Optimizing your classnames and IDs should be your priority before moving on to using multiple class names.

However, utilizing multiple classnames can be very beneficial. For example:

<div class="leftColumn">Left</div>
<div class="rightColumn">Right</div>
<div class="middleColumn hasLeft hasRight">I have padding-left of 210px and padding-right of 210px</div>
<!-- alternatively, you could have -->
    <div class="rightColumn">Right</div>
    <div class="middleColumn hasRignt">I have padding right of 210px</div>
       <!-- or -->
    <div class="leftColumn">Left</div>
    <div class="middleColumn hasLeft">I have padding left of 210px</div>
       <!-- or -->
    <div class="middleColumn">I have no padding</div>

and then style with the following CSS:

.leftColumn { width:200px; float:left; }
.rightColumn { width:200px; float:right; }
.middleColumn.hasLeft { padding-left:210px; }
.middleColumn.hasRight { padding-right:210px; }

This layout results in floated right/left columns with the center area adjusting accordingly with padding. This allows you to easily style your middleColumn as desired (e.g. .middleColumn .otherCoolSelector ).

Answer №4

Using multiple classes on HTML elements is a common practice that can be very effective when done thoughtfully. Personally, I tend to use additional classes as enhancements or exceptions to the main styling already in place. Here are some examples of classes I might add to an element that already has a class:

  • error -- used to style an element when the user inputs invalid data
  • first -- applied to the first item in a list or table row to customize padding-left
  • last -- applied to the last item in a list or table row to adjust margin-right
  • even -- for creating zebra striping on alternating elements
  • hidden -- hides an element if it's not currently necessary

These extra classes are often dynamically generated using server-side languages like ASP.NET or PHP. They can also be manipulated on the client side using JavaScript, especially with libraries such as jQuery. This flexibility is particularly useful for displaying or concealing elements based on certain events.

Answer №5

There are numerous valuable responses provided in this content. The key is identifying the one that aligns best with your specific circumstances.

One factor to take into account is the size of your markup. In a scenario where there is high traffic, the size of your markup plays a crucial role in the speed at which your pages load...every byte makes a difference. If this applies to your situation, you might consider creating additional CSS classes and reducing the amount included in your markup. By doing so, the client can cache more effectively and your website can serve up content more efficiently.

Answer №6

It seems like what you're proposing is similar to using inline styles, such as style="color:#444". This would require making changes directly in the html code to modify the appearance of an element, essentially mixing style with content. This goes against the principle of separating styling from structure that CSS aims to achieve.

Consider a scenario where 'someColor' is used repeatedly across various html files, and then you realize that some elements should not have this color anymore. Going back and updating all those files can be quite tedious.

In my opinion, I would steer clear of using lists for defining styles. When creating a component like a button, it's much more efficient to simply look for the .mybutton class in the CSS file to find all relevant rules, rather than having to sift through numerous global classes. Additionally, if someone modifies the color in a global class, it could inadvertently affect the button's appearance. By keeping each component responsible for its own styling, we can minimize the risk of unintended changes.

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