In JavaFX, when adjusting the transparency of a popup window, only the brightness changes while the solid color remains unchanged, effectively concealing

Is it possible to have a transparent popup window (errorDialog.fxml) on top of the main window (mainWindow.fxml) with 50% opacity while still showing the content of the main window underneath? My attempts at setting the background color of the overlay inside errorDialog.fxml to be transparent only result in a solid 50% gray color that completely hides the main window.

I have tried adjusting the transparency in both the style attribute of "overlay" and in the initialize method of without success.

If anyone has any insights or solutions, I would greatly appreciate your help!

package myPackage;
import [...];

public class controllerMainWindow extends AbstractController

    private Button btnOpenPopup;
    private BorderPane paneMainWindow;
    public void initialize()
    public void handleButtonAction(ActionEvent event)
        try {
             if (event.getSource().equals(btnOpenPopup)) {
                FXMLLoader errorLoader = new FXMLLoader();
                controllerErrorDialog errorController = new controllerErrorDialog();
                Parent layout;
                layout = errorLoader.load();
                Scene errorScene = new Scene(layout);
                Stage errorStage = new Stage();
                if(this.main!=null) {
        }catch (IOException exceptionCockpitSettings) {
            System.out.println("Error when switching to cockpitSettings.");

package myPackage;
import [...];

public class controllerErrorDialog extends AbstractController implements Initializable
    private BorderPane overlay;
    private Stage stage = null;

    public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb)
        overlay.setStyle("fx-background-color: transparent");
    public void setStage(Stage stage) {
        this.stage = stage;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import [...]?>

<BorderPane fx:id="overlay" prefWidth="1920" prefHeight="1080" style="-fx-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" xmlns:fx="">

Answer №1

Ensure the following:

  1. The scene must have a transparent background, utilize
  2. The stage should be transparent by using
  3. Any content (excluding the root) that needs to be see-through should possess a fully transparent background

Here is a complete example (although not very user-friendly):

// JavaFX code omitted for brevity
// Please refer to the original post for the full code snippet

Include transparent.css as shown below:

.root {
  -fx-background-color: #ffffff7f;

.root HBox, .root .scroll-pane, .root .scroll-pane .viewport {
  -fx-background-color: transparent;

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