The sliding content in the div below the one above it

Currently working on creating my portfolio website, and I have implemented a very dynamic parallax homepage with multiple layers. My goal is to enable one-page scrolling by using vh units. However, I encountered an issue where the div containing the about section slides under the homepage when the viewport height is reduced significantly. It seems like the homepage is not adjusting to make space for the about section, almost as if there is an offset present. I have attempted using clear under the first div but it did not solve the problem. Please see the screenshot of the issue here: I suspect that the problem lies within the CSS properties of the parallax effect, which are structured as shown in this link: It appears that the layers of parallax - #parabg, #scene, and #home - act as wrappers. Any suggestions or insights on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

It's truly a miracle when you discover the solution right after posting your question. If you're struggling with a complex parallax effect and have been following the confusing documentation of parallax.js, remember not to use padding-top! I'll be creating a codepen shortly for those interested in implementing a fully responsive multi-layered parallax design.

#parabg {
background: url(../assets/parallaximages/home/bg2.png) no-repeat 50%;
background-size: cover;
/*    padding-top: 52%; */
height: 100vh;

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