What is the recommended approach for using className
in react, especially with multiple class names? I have been reviewing the documentation, but I am not finding a clear answer. I have come across examples like:
const divStyle = {
color: 'blue',
backgroundImage: 'url(' + imgUrl + ')',
function HelloWorldComponent() {
return <div style={divStyle}>Hello World!</div>;
However, is there a way for me to achieve something like this?
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './css/landing.css';
import './css/w3.css';
class Home extends React.Component {
const homeClasses = 'bgimg-1 w3-display-container w3-opacity-min';
render() {
return (
<div className={homeClasses}>
<Home />,
Or is there a way to simply list them out in the class name section?