the live binding feature fails to function properly once an append operation is executed

Could someone please explain to me why adding an even number of squares causes the bind event to stop working?

    $("#container").append("<div class=\"square\">xxxxxx</div> ").bind("click",function(e) {
            $( "change" );

Answer №1

Implement event delegation.

Here is the code snippet:

$("#add").click(function () {
    $("#container").append("<div class=\"square\">xxxxxx</div> ");
$("#container").on("click", ".square", function (e) {

Visit updated fiddle here.

Find more information here.

Answer №3

Check out the fiddle demo

No need for Event Delegation here.

You can directly bind the click event to the object you want to add.

$("#add").click(function () {
    var newElement =$("<div class=\"square\">xxxxxx</div>"); //create a jQuery object of the element to be added{ //attach click event to it
         $(this).toggleClass("change"); // toggleClass used to change its class
    }).appendTo('#container'); //append it to the element with id container

Learn more about .appendTo() method

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