Implementing Content-Security-Policy with React and Material-UI v4 for secure styling requirements

Utilizing a React UI with material-ui version 4, the web server is embedded within a JVM application during Production. Following npm build for the UI, the bundle is deployed alongside the server side code.

An essential requirement involves implementing Content-Security-Policy, where utilizing a nonce with a static value is permissible. To achieve this, I set the header in the server-side code and followed guidelines from the Material UI site at

The approach involved including a nonce in the meta tag within index.html:

<html><head><meta property="csp-nonce" content="mynoncevalue" />

On the server side, I sent the below CSP:

"default-src 'self';script-src 'self';style-src 'self' 'nonce-mynoncevalue';"

While the UI renders, a console error surfaces:

Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self' 'nonce-mynoncevalue'". To enable inline execution, either use the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash (...), or a nonce ('nonce-...').

Upon clicking on the "Issues" button and examining the "1 page error," clicking on the "Element" icon reveals an element in the "Elements" panel resembling my index.html with numerous added tags inside. The highlighted element reads as follows:

<style id="muiDetectElementResize" type="text/css"&g;(...)</style>

Curiously, above this element are several style elements like:

<style data-jss data-meta-"Mui(Something)" nonce>(...)</style>

If anyone can suggest where the suspect "style" tag (with id="muiDetectElementResize") may originate from and how to include the nonce similar to the "data-jss" tags, your insights would be appreciated.

Answer №1

It appears that the issue you are facing is caused by a specific style tag generated by Material-UI without the nonce attribute that you have provided. The error message specifically mentions the <style> tag used by Material-UI for detecting changes in element size.

Determining the Origin of the Element:

The style element () is likely originating from a component or utility within Material-UI responsible for monitoring changes in element size. If you are using components like TextareaAutosize or any other element that adjusts according to size changes, they may be utilizing this utility in their functionality.

Implementing a Temporary Fix at Runtime:

To address this issue temporarily, you can include a script that runs immediately after your page loads and scans for the style tag. If it locates it, the script can then add the necessary nonce attribute:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
  const styleElement = document.getElementById("muiDetectElementResize");
  if (styleElement) {
    styleElement.setAttribute("nonce", "mynoncevalue");

While this solution may seem unconventional, it does not require altering the source code of Material-UI.

Answer №2

It may be beneficial to include "unsafe-inline" in your CSP settings. This will allow the inline styles of components from Mui package to be rendered properly in the browser.

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