Mouse over the image link and update the CSS text effect

I need help with a WordPress plugin and I'm trying to avoid making too many changes to the HTML output. Is there a way to make both the image and text change color when hovered over?

You can see what I'm working on here -

<section id="featured-post-5" class="widget featuredpost">
<div class="post-240 post type-post status-publish format-standard category-projects entry gfwa-3 gfwa-odd"><a href="" title="Really Awesome People" class="alignnone"><img width="250" height="200" src="" class="alignnone" alt="rap"></a>
<h2><a href="" title="Really Awesome People">Really Awesome People</a></h2></div><!--end post_class()--></div>

Answer №1

To target the <a> element, you can modify your selector like this:

#featured-post-5 a:hover, #featured-post-5 a:hover + h2 a {
color: #5fb336;

Here's a demonstration:

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