Implementing a jQuery function to trigger window resize on window load

I'm facing an issue with my resize function where the contents within a window change when it reaches a certain width. I'm trying to achieve this same effect on window load but haven't been successful so far. Here's what I've attempted:

Attempt 1

$(window).load(function () {


        function updateDivsMargins() {
                var windowWidth = $(window).width();
                if (windowWidth >= 2560) {
                    alert("hello im 2560")
                    $('.1').css('margin-left', '500px');
                    $('#2').css('margin-right', '-300px');
                    $('#3').css('margin-left', '550px');
                    $('#4').css('margin-right', '-28em');



Attempt 2

$(window).on("resize", function () {
            var windowWidth = $(window).width();
            if (windowWidth >= 2560) {
                alert("hello im 2560")
                $('.1').css('margin-left', '500px');
                $('#2').css('margin-right', '-300px');
                $('#3').css('margin-left', '550px');
                $('#4').css('margin-right', '-28em');

When I resize the page, the changes take effect as expected. However, if the page loads at exactly 2560, the changes are not applied. I'm wondering how I can make these changes apply both on load and resize. What am I missing in the two attempts above that is preventing them from taking effect on load?

Answer №1

It's a good practice to define your function outside of the event handler functions. I suggest using the following approach:

 $(document).ready(function() {

Alternatively, utilizing CSS media queries could be an even more effective solution based on the code provided.

Answer №2

When working with window events like load and resize, it's important to keep them separate instead of nesting one inside the other. You can define both event handlers separately but make them call the same function, as shown in the example below.

In simple terms, if the window width is greater than or equal to 2560 during the load or resize event, then the condition in the function updateDivsMargins() will be met.

$(window).load(function() {

$(window).resize(function() {

function updateDivsMargins() {
  var windowWidth = $(window).width();
  if (windowWidth >= 2560) {
    alert("hello im 2560")
    $('.1').css('margin-left', '500px');
    $('#2').css('margin-right', '-300px');
    $('#3').css('margin-left', '550px');
    $('#4').css('margin-right', '-28em');

<script src=""></script>

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