Steps for creating a jQuery function that responds to changes in a text box value

Currently, I have a text box containing certain values and a submit button alongside a slider. When I click the submit button, the slider changes. However, I would like to achieve the functionality where instead of clicking the submit button, changing the value in the text box directly impacts the movement of the slider. You can see my progress so far on this JSFiddle link.

Below is the jQuery code snippet:

var slider = $(".slider").slider({
    value: 50,
    animate: true

    slider.slider('value', $('#val').val());

Answer №1

Implement the Keyup technique.

    slider.adjust('value', $('#value').val());

Check out this JSFiddle for a live demo.

The change event triggers when an element's value changes, while keyup event occurs when a user releases a key on their keyboard.

Answer №2

Here is a helpful Solution:

 $('#value').on('input', function(){

Answer №3

To implement this functionality, utilize the select element's change event:

    slider.slider('value', $('#val').val());

Note: Have you made any changes to your original question? If not, I might have misunderstood your requirements.

If your goal is to target the text input, then follow the recommendations given by others and add an event listener to it:

  slider.slider('value', $('#val').val());

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