React fullpage.js causing z-index stacking problems

Take a look at the demo here:

I'm having trouble getting the 'more info' modal to display above all other elements on the screen.

Here's the desired stacking order, with the highest stacked element listed first:

  • modal
  • nav open
  • header
  • fullpage.js section

Can anyone spot what I might be missing?

Answer №1

I'm not entirely sure I understand your issue, but when it comes to the modal, you may want to consider utilizing the normalScrollElements option in fullpage.js or disabling scrolling altogether by using


Additionally, make sure any fixed elements are positioned outside of the fullPage.js wrapper. There have been reported issues with certain browsers and 3D CSS transforms.

If moving the element isn't possible, you can explore using the fixedElements option or opting for non-3D transformations by enabling scrollBar:true or css3: false.

To learn more about these options and methods, check out the documentation on the fullpage.js website

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