Images are not loading properly on the website when viewed on an iPad

As I work on my website with a parallax effect, I recently came across an issue: images not displaying on iPod devices. Unfortunately, since I don't have access to an iPod, I am unable to verify this myself. Can anyone explain why the main pictures are not showing up on iPods?

You can view the website here:

Answer №1

Your images are too large, sized at 2000x1200px each. There is a restriction on the maximum number of pixels allowed in an image. To ensure compatibility with different devices, check out a resource like this website to determine which devices can properly display your images.

For more information on iOS resource limits, visit the Apple website and look for the section titled "Know iOS Resource Limits".

Be cautious when using these large images on an iPod as it may lead to issues with displaying the image correctly.

Answer №2

Upon testing it on my iPod, I can confirm that there are some display issues with certain images.

Your HTML code contains a few errors that need to be addressed:

<div id="sitelanguage"> should be inside the body tag
<div class="pasek_suwakow" style="top: 345px;"> <-- Missing closing double quote after 345px

Refer to for more information.

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