Ways to access nested div children without using identifiers

To customize the width of a specific div using jQuery, I need to target the following structure in my HTML code. Although parts of it are generated by a lightbox plugin, the part that sets it apart is the unique class "xxxgallery":

<div class="xxxgallery"> (this is unique and gives me a point to select the children from)
    <div class="cat slick-initialized slick-slider slick-dotted" role="toolbar">
          <div aria-live="polite" class="slick-list draggable">
               <div class="slick-track">
                     //more code

The specific div I need to target has the class "slick-track." The challenge is that there are 8 similar galleries on the page, but only the top one with the class "xxxgallery" is unique. This means I cannot directly use $('.slick-track') because I need to set different widths for each of the 7 other galleries based on this unique selector.

Answer №1

If you are looking for a solution, consider utilizing the find() method


Answer №2

If you are looking for a unique selector for the first div with the class "xxxgallery", you can use CSS or jQuery to achieve that:

div.xxxgallery div.slick-track

To be even more specific, you can go with:

div.xxxgallery > div.cat.slick-initialized.slick-slider.slick-dotted > div.slick-list.draggable > div.slick-track

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