What methods can I implement to ensure a button illuminates only when correct information is provided?

I have developed a calculator for permutations and combinations. When either permutation or combination is selected, and the required values are entered, I want the calculate button to light up. How can I achieve this without using setInterval in my current code:

function checkCalc(){
  calculate.style.boxShadow="10px 10px 5px gray";

setInterval(checkCalc, 50);

If I remove the function (just leaving the if statement), the functionality doesn't work as intended.

Answer №1

Make sure to execute this function when a key is pressed on the input field.

Take a look at my demo:

var permutation=true;
var combination=true;
var calculate= document.getElementById('calculate')
function checkCalc(){
   calculate.style.boxShadow="10px 10px 5px gray";
<input type ="text" id ='r' onkeyup="checkCalc()">
<input type ="text" id ='n' onkeyup="checkCalc()">
<button id="calculate">Light</button>


Answer №2

One way to improve the functionality is by adding an event listener to the `r` text field. This event will trigger whenever you enter something into the field:

  calculate.style.boxShadow="10px 10px 5px gray";

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