I'm having trouble with aligning my input checkbox within the form

My form includes multiple checkboxes, but I am having trouble aligning them properly.

<!-- Multiple Checkboxes (inline) -->
<div class="form-row">
<label class="chkdonar" for="donarchkform-0">Yes, I want to donate to AMIAB</label>
<input id="donarchkform-0" checked="checked" name="donarchkform" type="checkbox" value="Yes, I want to donate to AMIAB" />

This is the part of the form that needs alignment adjustment.

Below is a link to view my current code:


I would like my form to be aligned similar to this example:

Answer №1

I hope my changes didn't alter your original jsbin.


Below are the revisions I made:

  1. Removed negative margin on div.
  2. Adjusted input margins to 0.
  3. Ensured text fits on a single line.
  4. Aligned checkbox to the left.

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