IE8 is giving me a tough time with CSS3 + HTML5SHIV + CSS3PIE Border-radius; it works fine on IE7, 9, and

Working on a site at , which is constructed using:

  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • HTML5 + CSS3

Problem: Border-radius styling for the navbar link when active is not functioning in IE8 despite using CSS3PIE. However, it works fine in IE7,9,10 (confirmed through browserstack testing)

CSS Location: /css/
CSS3PIE HTC File Location: /root/ same location as my index.html

HTC Implemented as: behavior: url(;

Solution Attempt #1: Tried behavior: url(/; and behavior: url(../;
even experimented with the php approach - behavior: url(PIE.php); behavior: url(/PIE.php);

Solution Attempt #2: Applied Htaccess rule: AddType text/x-component .htc

Solution Attempt #3: tested out: - an alternative HTC solution but still no luck..

Solution Attempt #4: Added: -pie-border-radius: 10px; without success.

Solution Attempt #5: Tried adding:

position:relative !important; zoom:1; z-index:0 !important
no changes...
Despite trying various solutions from this forum, the issue persists.. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Suggested Fix by ScottSimpson: Conducted isolation test, created a plain html page without TBS, here is the test page -
the buttons on top are implemented with CSS3PIE (no success).. The button below utilizing fetchak has shown some progress.. This brings us closer to identifying the problem.. Could it be that TBS is interfering with the loading of .htc files or being overridden by TBS? I have already used !important with the values..hmmmm..

VICTORY GOES TO pjumble : Using (PIE 2.0 beta 1), I needed to include this file - PIE_IE678.js then everything worked perfectly... Thank you so much pjumble!

Answer №1

If you're using the BETA version of PIE 2.0, the .htc file for PIE 2.0 actually just loads an external javascript file called PIE_IE678.js. To make it work, you'll need to upload the PIE_IE678.js file to your server and then let PIE know where it is located.

The simplest way to do this is by placing the PIE_IE678.js file in the same directory as, and then use the absolute URL of the file in your css file, like so:

behavior: url('');

Your directory structure should look something like this:

Remember: Do not manually load any of the PIE .js files, as the .htc file will take care of loading the additional javascript files for you.

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