ImageMapster for perfect alignment

I'm struggling with centering a div that contains an image using imagemapster. When I remove the JS code, the div centers perfectly fine, indicating that the issue lies with the image mapster implementation.

It's a simple setup:

<div class="chartmap">
    <img id="waterfall" align="middle" src="" usemap="#water" alt="Waterfall Methodology Map">
    <map name="water">
        <area ......>


You can see the demo here:

Would appreciate any insights on how to solve this! Thank you!

Answer №1

When you first set up Mapster on an image element, jQuery automatically places the image within a dynamic container that is aligned to the left by default.
To center align the dynamic container instead:

$('#waterfall') represents your image. To access the wrapping container, you should use $('#waterfall').parent() and then align it using: .css({"margin":"0 auto"})

Javascript Code Example:

$(document).ready(function () {
         singleSelect: true,
         clickNavigate: true,
         scaleMap: false,
         fill: false,
         stroke: true,
         strokeColor: '000080',
         strokeWidth: 3,
         mapKey: 'data-name',
     }).parent().css({"margin":"0 auto"});

Check out the corrected Fiddle

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