The CSS syntax definition for list styles

Inside the body of my site is this code:

Here is the HTML:

<ul id="navlist">
    <li class="first">
        <a href="/" id="current">Home</a>
        <a href="/Store/">Store</a>

Accompanied by this CSS styling:

    float: right;

ul#navlist li
    display: inline;

ul#navlist li a
    border-left: 1px dotted #8A8575;
    padding: 10px;
    margin-top: 10px;
    color: #8A8575;
    text-decoration: none;
    float: left;

ul#navlist li:first-child a
    border: none;

ul#navlist li a:hover
    color: #F6855E;

I am trying to comprehend the meaning and syntax of the following:

ul#navlist li:first-child a

componentClass#class componentClass:class(???) componentClass

What exactly does first-child signify? Is there also a second child modifier available? Do these CSS blocks function as logical alternatives?

Answer №1

First-child refers to the initial child of a parent element -

In simple terms, li:first-child is equivalent to li.first.

To target the second child, you can utilize li:nth-child(2) (not supported in IE <= 8), li.first + li, or :first-child + li (for targeting sibling elements starting from the first one). Alternatively, you can use the simpler li + li selector to select all li elements except the first one.

Explore different options for selecting Xth element by visiting (+ consider using sibling selectors like + for targeting the next element, or ~ for selecting all subsequent siblings), etc.

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