IE7 causing mispositioning of `<ul>` in jQueryUI Autocomplete results

I have successfully implemented the jQueryUI Autocomplete function and here is how I have customized it:

appendTo: "#results",
    open: function(){
        var position = $("#results").position(),
        left = position.left, 
        top =;

        $("#results > ul").css({
            left: (left + 15) + "px",
            top: (top + 30) + "px", 
            width: (206) + "px", 
            float: "left"

The implementation works seamlessly on Firefox, Chrome, IE8, and IE9, but unfortunately encounters issues on IE7. Can anyone help me identify what may be causing this discrepancy? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Instead of creating your own positioning logic, consider using the jquery-ui positioning feature:

appendTo: "#results",
position: {'my': 'left top', 'at': 'left top', 'of': '#results'}

You can also include padding by adjusting the position values like this:

position: {'my': 'left top', 'at': 'left+15 top+30', 'of': '#results'}

To learn more about jQuery UI Positioning, visit:

I came across this solution while troubleshooting IE7 positioning issues. It turned out that setting 'at': 'left bottom' was causing problems in IE7, but switching everything to left top fixed the issue.

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