Ways to modify the CSS of an active class within a child component when clicking on another shared component in angular

In my HTML template, I am encountering an issue with two common components.

When I click on the app-header link, its active class is applied. However, when I proceed to click on the side navbar's link, its active class also gets applied. I want to ensure that only one active class is applied at a time between these two child components. Can anyone suggest what changes can be made from the parent component in order to achieve this?

I have attempted using :host ::ng-deep in my SCSS, but I am struggling to make it conditional. Ideally, I would like these changes to take effect only when clicking on other components, without overriding the child components' CSS. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To control the color changing functionality based on user interaction, you can set a flag to true when they click 'make' and set it to false when other options are clicked. This flag can then be utilized as needed. The following example demonstrates how the color is modified using the colorFlag in CSS:

<div class="col-12 text-right" style="{{(colorFlag) ? 'color: red;':'color:blue;'}}"> 
  <!-- Your Code Here -->

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