I have encountered a formatting issue while using an external CSS file for the main layout of the header and sidebar in Laravel-8 with Bootstrap-5. When I try to @extend certain classes, the content layout becomes distorted

Customizing the Main Layout CSS File for Header and Sidebar:

<link href="{{ asset('app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

*Note: The external app.css file is located in the public directory.

Homepage Content

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/TRform.css">

*Note: This CSS is specific to the content on the homepage.

When working with the content.blade.php file, here is my code:



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/TRform.css">
{Insert HTML content here}


Issue: I have a bootstrap header and sidebar set up, along with an external app.css file for custom designs. However, when I try to extend the content with another CSS file (TPform.css), the styles from app.css override the TPform.css even though it is placed at the bottom of the head tag. As a result, the design from TPform.css does not show up as expected while the header and sidebar remain unaffected.

Answer №1

It seems that the issue may be related to either incorrect fetching of stylesheets or inadequate design of the layout prior to execution.

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