Angular2's hidden feature isn't functioning properly

There is a common suggestion to use *ngIf better than [hidden] but in my scenario, I want to keep the element in the DOM without it being visible. In my component.html file, I have:

<article #articleId id="bodyArticle" [hidden]="isClicked"></article>

In my .ts file:

isClicked = false;

and in the CSS:

article {
  width: 500px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  background-size: cover;
  overflow-wrap: break-word;
  justify-content: center;
  height: 500px;
  overflow-y: scroll;


How can I make the article invisible while still keeping it in the DOM?


I managed to make it work, but now when I try to do this:

var myArticle = document.querySelector('article');
myArticle.textContent = this.imageService.getBodyRes();

I get an error saying it's undefined. Why would this happen if the article is not removed from the DOM?

Answer №1

While the hidden attribute is perfectly acceptable to use, if you prefer to steer clear of it, you can opt to assign a specific class to the element instead.

<section #sectionId id="mainSection" [class.hidden]="isToggled"></section>

Make sure to adjust the CSS code as follows:

section.hidden {
  display: none !important;

Answer №2

Why not consider an alternative to using [hidden]? You could try this approach:

Utilize CSS:

.hidden { 
  visibility: none

and then in your HTML:

<article #articleId id="bodyArticle" [class.hidden]="isClicked"></article>

Answer №3

Instead of using a CSS class, you can utilize the [hidden] property to toggle the visibility of an element.

The issue you're encountering is that the [hidden] attribute will only take effect when the condition is true. In your scenario, you simply need to flip the value of your isClicked variable.

<article #articleId id="bodyArticle" [hidden]="!isClicked"></article>

Furthermore, be sure to delete the following section from your CSS:


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