Design a dynamic div element for banners that adjusts to different screen

Is there a way to create a responsive div similar to the img-responsive class in Bootstrap, but for a div element that changes its height relative to its width when the window size is adjusted?

For example, if you look at the slider on this website "", you will notice that as you resize the window, the slider maintains the ratio of height to width.

Do I need to use JavaScript to achieve this effect, or can it be done with CSS or Bootstrap alone?

    <div class="responsive-banner">
        <!-- height/width === k -->

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this without worrying about legacy IE, simply utilize @media queries.

To do so, set the minimum and maximum width / height of the viewport and then assign the appropriate height property based on specified break points.

For example:

@media only screen
and (min-width: 320px) /* Set your preferred minimum width */
and (max-width: 480px){ /* Set your preferred maximum width */
     height:200px; /* Input desired height value */

You can incorporate various queries like the one above to tailor different break points or ranges accordingly.

Answer №2

To achieve this layout, you can utilize the Bootstrap Grid System.

For example:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3">
    This is text 1
  <div class="col-md-3">
    This is text 2
  <div class="col-md-3">
    This is text 3 
  <div class="col-md-3">
    This is text 4

Include the bootstrap CSS (you can download and reference locally or use a CDN path).

Essentially, I have created a row using Bootstrap and divided it into four evenly sized columns. Whatever content you place in each column will automatically adjust to fit the column width by default.

By adding custom divs within these column classes, your layout will be responsive to changes in browser window size.

Answer №3

After doing some research and pondering, I have come up with a few ways to achieve this:

Utilizing CSS units :

We can utilize CSS units for relative sizing:
- em: Relative to the font-size of the element (2em equals 2 times the size of the current font)
- ex: Relative to the x-height of the current font (not commonly used)
- ch: Relative to the width of the "0" (zero)
- rem: Relative to the font-size of the root element
- vw : Relative to 1% of the width of the viewport*

We can use the vw unit to establish the height of the div element as shown below:

.responsive-banner {
    height: 30vw;

Using jQuery :

Firstly, we assign a favorite ratio to a variable and then adjust the height of the element based on its width.

var ratio = 700/1920;
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.responsive-banner').height(ratio * $('.responsive-banner').width());

$(window).resize(function() {
  $('.responsive-banner').height(ratio * $('.responsive-banner').width());

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