Looking for assistance in creating a stunning portfolio showcase?

As I work on building my portfolio webpage, I've realized that with my limited knowledge of HTML/CSS, creating a great gallery might be challenging. In search of an efficient solution, I ventured across the web but couldn't find anything that fully met my requirements except for a Picasa plugin.

The Picasa gallery plugin I stumbled upon not only looks visually appealing but is also responsive, which is a crucial feature for me:

Prior to making a purchase, I wanted to seek your advice on whether you knew of any alternative methods to create a Gallery similar to this one. Here's a list of requirements for my ideal gallery:

Gallery needs: - Simple tiles arranged side by side of the same size. - Clickable tiles to display larger versions (like lightbox). - Responsive design.

Any helpful suggestions?

Answer №1

Perhaps you should consider exploring the resources offered at . This website provides the features you seek and is completely free to utilize. Additionally, the link you provided leads to an empty page with JavaScript errors on display.

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