I can't seem to figure out the source of this unexpected padding/margin on my website

After creating a website for a church using Foundation, SASS, and Compass, I noticed a horizontal scroll issue when resizing the window. Adding overflow-x: hidden; seemed to fix it, but there was still about 20px of padding on the right side when testing on my iPad. Removing all box shadows did not resolve the problem either. Here is the link to the site: . Any assistance in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Foundation comes with predefined padding and margin settings for grid-columns and other grid elements. To customize these values, you can modify the _settings.scss file in Foundation. Alternatively, you can manually set the padding or margins to 0 to resolve any issues. Upon inspection, I did not encounter the problem you mentioned, so it may have been resolved on your site.

Answer №2

It may be helpful to clear your browser cache. I tested the website in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, and only encountered the standard scroll bar when resizing the window.

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