The smooth scrolling feature fails to function properly in Lenis when clicking on links with specified IDs

Is there a reason why the scroll-behavior: smooth property doesn't function properly when Lenis library for smooth scrolling is included? It seems to work fine when the Lenis code is commented out, but once it's added back in, the scrolling isn't as smooth when clicking on the tag with the specified ID.

const lenis = new Lenis({
  duration: 2.5

function raf(time) {

lenis.on('scroll', ScrollTrigger.update)

gsap.ticker.add((time) => {
  lenis.raf(time * 1000)
html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;
 <h2><a class="c-btn" href="#pages-main">scroll down</a></h2>
  <section id="pages-main"></section>

Is there a reason why the scroll-behavior: smooth property doesn't function properly when Lenis library for smooth scrolling is included? It seems to work fine when the Lenis code is commented out, but once it's added back in, the scrolling isn't as smooth when clicking on the tag with the specified ID.

const lenis = new Lenis({
  duration: 2.5

function raf(time) {

lenis.on('scroll', ScrollTrigger.update)

gsap.ticker.add((time) => {
  lenis.raf(time * 1000)
html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;
 <h2><a class="c-btn" href="#pages-main">scroll down</a></h2>
  <section id="pages-main"></section>

Answer №1

By implementing the CSS property scroll-behavior: smooth on the html element, scrolling behavior for links with hash tags (#) can be improved. However, this may cause issues with normal scrolling functionality as it seems that lenis scroll controls the scroll behavior on the html element and does not maintain smooth scrolling for other scenarios.

To address this issue, a solution was devised by incorporating the following fix alongside the initialization code for lenis -

// Fix for internal id links
document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]').forEach((el) => {
  el.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    const id = el.getAttribute('href')?.slice(1)
    if (!id) return
    const target = document.getElementById(id)
    if (target) {
      target.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' })

However, one drawback of this approach is that it does not update the URL with the corresponding #id. Attempts to manually adjust the URL using

document.location.hash = "#id"
will result in reverting back to instant scrolling instead of smooth scrolling.

Answer №2

import { LenisInstance, ScrollToParams, useLenis } from "@studio-freight/react-lenis";

// Utilizing the useLenis hook to retrieve a LenisInstance
  const myLenis: LenisInstance = useLenis();

  // Defining a function for smooth scrolling
    const handleScroll = (targetElem: string | number | HTMLElement)=>{

    if (targetElem) {
      const scrollParams: ScrollToParams = {
        offset: 0,
        lerp: 0.1,
        duration: 1.5,
        easing: (rawVal: number) => rawVal,
        immediate: false,
        lock: false,
        force: false,

      myLenis.scrollTo(targetElem, scrollParams);

This code utilizes react-lenis, but it could also be compatible with the standard lenis package.

Answer №3

If you're looking for a solution, check out the Lenis documentation. You have two options:

<a href="#anchor" onclick="lenis.scrollTo('#anchor')">scroll to anchor</a>

Alternatively, you can use a function called scrollTo(target, options)

target: the destination number: pixels to scroll string: CSS selector or keyword (top, left, start, bottom, right, end) HTMLElement: DOM element

Available options are: offset(number): same as scroll-padding-top lerp(number): animation smoothness duration(number): animation duration (in seconds) easing(function): animation style immediate(boolean): skip animation effects lock(boolean): prevent scrolling until reaching target force(boolean): reach target regardless of status onComplete(function): triggered upon reaching target

Answer №4

After some troubleshooting, I found that the best fix was to disable the lenis-smooth rule in the CSS file.

/* .lenis.lenis-smooth {
    scroll-behavior: auto !important;
  } */

I'm positive this solution will work for you as well!

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