I am trying to use jQuery to dynamically change classes based on certain conditions. However, I am encountering an issue where the class of my 'home' link remains unchanged even after clicking on another link. How

How can I modify my jQuery code to achieve the following:

If the 'home page' is active, then apply CSS class A (dark green color) to the 'home link'; otherwise, apply CSS class B (brown color).

(In essence, I want the relevant link to be dark green without a hover effect when on the current page, and for other links to be brown but turn light green when hovered over.)

The current code works perfectly as intended, except for one issue - when clicking on any link, the dark green color does not disappear from the 'home' link. This is due to the CSS rule: #menuDisplayedHome a { color: #568a38; /* Dark Green */ } .... Check it out here: https://jsfiddle.net/mhfn7kw0/2/embedded/result/ (Click on 'about' followed by 'home' to see the slider animation).

Note: all pages are within a jQuery slider, meaning that they are technically on the same page.

Here is the current code:


#menuDisplayed a {
        color: #8F5C3E;    /* Brown */

    #menuDisplayed a:not(.no-hover):hover {
        color:#6bab4a ;   /* Light Green */

    #menuDisplayedHome a  {
        color: #568a38; /* Dark Green */

    #menuDisplayed a.no-hover {
        color: #568a38;       /* Dark Green */


<div id="wrapper">

    <div id="headingLogoBar">
        <div id="logoBarImageDiv">
            <img id="">

        <div id="menuDisplayed">
                    <li id="menuDisplayedHome"><a href="#target1" class="forMovingPanel">HOME</li>
                    <li id="menuDisplayedAbout"><a href="#target2" class="forMovingPanel">ABOUT</a></li>        
                    <li id="menuDisplayedPortfolio"><a href="#target3" class="forMovingPanel">PORTFOLIO</a></li>    
                    <li id="menuDisplayedContact"><a href="#target4" class="forMovingPanel">CONTACT</a></li>

    <div class="forMovingPanel active" id="target1" style="left:0; display:block;">
        <h3 style="text-align:center">Home</h3>

    <div class="forMovingPanel" id="target2">
            <h3 style="text-align:center">About</h3>

    <div class="forMovingPanel" id="target3" >
        <h3 style="text-align:center">Portfolio</h3>

    <div class="forMovingPanel" id="target4" >
        <h3 style="text-align:center">Contact</h3>


jQuery for changing link colors:


$('#menuDisplayedHome a').on('click', function() {
    $('#menuDisplayedContact a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedPortfolio a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedAbout a').removeClass('no-hover'); 

$('#menuDisplayedAbout a').on('click', function() {
    $('#menuDisplayedContact a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedPortfolio a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedHome a').removeClass('no-hover');
    $('#menuDisplayedHome a').addClass('menuDisplayed a');

$('#menuDisplayedContact a').on('click', function() {
    $('#menuDisplayedAbout a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedPortfolio a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedHome a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedHome a').addClass('menuDisplayed a');

$('#menuDisplayedPortfolio a').on('click', function() {
    $('#menuDisplayedAbout a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedContact a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedHome a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedHome a').addClass('menuDisplayed a');


jQuery for the slider:

jQuery(function($) {

$('a.forMovingPanel').click(function() {
    var $target = $($(this).attr('href')),
        $other = $target.siblings('.active');

    if ($(".forMovingPanel").is(':animated')) return false;

    if (!$target.hasClass('active')) {
        $other.each(function(index, self) {
            var $this = $(this);
                left: $this.width()
            }, 500);

            left: -($target.width())
            left: 0
        }, 500);


Answer №1

If I were to offer a suggestion, I'd recommend utilizing the .click() method instead of .on(). It seems that when using .on(), you need to begin with $(document) rather than the actual element intended for clicking. Then, include that element within the parameters.

Moreover, it appears that you are attempting to assign a class value of "menuDisplayed a". However, this is not a valid class as menuDisplayed was previously defined as an ID. If it were up to me, I would convert some IDs to classes and streamline the structure a bit; always bear in mind that IDs take precedence over classes.

In my view, it may be more efficient to allocate the same class to all your <a> tags (or omit the no-hover class altogether). Subsequently, once $(document) is .ready(), you can instruct jQuery to automatically set HOME to dark-green without requiring a click or alternative event, simply upon page completion of loading. A revised approach for handling classes in jQuery could look like:

$('#menuDisplayedHome a').addClass('no-hover');

$('#menuDisplayedHome a').click(function() {      /* upon div click */
    $(this).addClass('no-hover');     /* apply 'no-hover' class = dark green */
    $('#menuDisplayedContact a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedPortfolio a').removeClass('no-hover'); 
    $('#menuDisplayedAbout a').removeClass('no-hover'); 

// Additional conversion functions go here


Regarding CSS enhancements, consider the following snippet:

.menuDisplayed a {
        text-decoration: none;
        color: #8F5C3E;    /* Brown */

.menuDisplayed a:not(.no-hover):hover { /* hover styling exclusion for elements with 'no-hover' class */
        color: #6bab4a;   /* Light Green */

.menuDisplayed a.no-hover  {
        color: #568a38; /* Dark Green */

Answer №2

Upon initial reflection, the most straightforward solution that comes to mind is to incorporate the no-hover class into the homepage link.

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