Tips for resolving the final item issue in Owl Carousel when using right-to-left (RTL)

Encountering a bug with the rtl setting in owl-carousel. When the rtl is applied to the slider and I reach the last item, the entire slider disappears! Here's the code snippet:

var viewportWidth = $("body").innerWidth();
        if (viewportWidth > 1000) {
                rtl: true,
                center: true,
                loop: false,
                items: 10
        } else if (1000 >= viewportWidth && viewportWidth > 500) {
                rtl: true,
                center: true,
                loop: false,
                items: 5
        } else if (500 >= viewportWidth) {
                rtl: true,
                center: true,
                loop: false,
                items: 3

If you run the above code and navigate to the last item in the slider, you will observe the issue.

Answer №1

If you simply delete 'center: true' from the code, it should work perfectly.

Another suggestion would be to use Owl Carousel's default responsive feature instead of specifying settings for each breakpoint individually like this:

responsive : {
    // styles for screens wider than 0px
    0 : {
        option1 : value,
        option2 : value,
    // styles for screens wider than 480px
    480 : {
        option1 : value,
        option2 : value,
    // styles for screens wider than 768px
    768 : {
        option1 : value,
        option2 : value,

For more details, refer to the official documentation.

By the way, I couldn't help but notice... On line 9, shouldn't it look like this? -

else if (1000 <= viewportWidth && viewportWidth > 500)

Answer №2

Owl Carousel doesn't play well with caching plugins like WP3 Total Cache (and possibly others).

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