You are only able to click the button once per day

I am working on a button that contains numeric values and updates a total number displayed on the page when clicked. I would like this button to only be clickable once per day, so that users cannot click it multiple times within a 24 hour period. Below is an example of my HTML code. How can I achieve this functionality?

   <div>Total : <span id="total">0</span></div>
   <input class="add" data-amount="100" type="button" value="Add 100" />

$(document).ready(function() {
$('.add').click(function() {
 $('#total').text(parseInt($('#total').text()) + 

Answer №1

To ensure the functionality persists even after closing the page, server-side JavaScript is necessary. However, in scenarios where the page remains open without any reloads, follow these steps:

var dayClicked = true;

$("#button").click(function() {
    if (dayClicked) {
    else {
        variable += 1;
        dayClicked = false;
    setTimeout(function() {
        dayClicked = true;
    }, 86400000);

This script will increment the value of variable, and upon clicking the #button, display an error message for the next day (86400000 seconds).

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