Having trouble with the initial tap not being recognized on your mobile browser?

When using mobile web browsers (specifically chrome and firefox on iOS), I am experiencing an issue where the hamburger menu does not trigger when tapped for the first time.

For a simplified version of the HTML/CSS/JS code, you can check it out at: https://codepen.io/LayneTrain/pen/vYzZrgv

You can also visit the live site at:

  • I have attempted to force the initial property with
    <input id="checkbox" type="checkbox" unchecked />
  • My attempts to reproduce this issue on an emulator have been unsuccessful.
  • This problem does not occur on desktop web browsers.
  • All mouseleave/enter events have been removed from the code.

If necessary, I am open to implementing a temporary solution just to overcome this obstacle.

Answer №1

After some investigation, I discovered that the default behavior on mobile devices is to prevent clicking while scrolling.

The issue stemmed from the fact that in order to access my menu, users had to scroll, which was conflicting with this default behavior.

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