How to use bootstrap to resize and center a div element

I'm struggling with formatting a form that is enclosed in a bordered fieldset. Currently, all the form fields are filling the entire width of the fieldset. However, I want certain textfields to be shorter and centered within the fieldset. I have attempted to use col-md-10 to shorten them, but then I am unable to center them as they remain aligned to the left.

Below is an example of how the fields are currently displayed:

<div class="form-group">
<label for="planner" class="control-label">form.planner *</label>
<input class="form-control" id="planner" name="planner" type="text">

I have also tried adding "col-md-10 center-block" to the form-group class, but this did not achieve the desired result. I experimented with using span and offset combinations as well, but unfortunately, none of them worked.

The image below illustrates the current layout and the desired outcome. Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

It's important to note that not all fields need to be resized. The form extends beyond the visible fields, and some other fields must continue to fill the width of the fieldset as they currently do.

Answer №1

To ensure that your col-md-10 element is centered, simply add the col-md-offset-1 class. Here's how:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1">
       Centered content here!!

The purpose of offset classes is to shift the position of an element based on the number in the class name. In a 12 column grid, when centering a 10-column element, you move it by 1 column, hence the need for the col-md-offset-1 class.

For instance, if you want to center a col-md-6 element, you would use the col-md-offset-3 class to offset it by 3 columns.

Answer №2

To achieve center alignment in a Bootstrap grid system, you have two options. You can either utilize the col-md-offset-x class or include an additional class to the div with the existing col-md-x class and apply the following CSS properties:


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