Is it possible to instruct Vue to prioritize the inherited class over others?

I have a situation in my component where I need Vue to disregard the existing class and instead use the inherited class, but only if it is of the same type as the inherited class. Let me illustrate with an example:

Consider a button component like this


<button class="text-sm font-roboto justify-center text-red-500">

In my project, I want to use the MyButton component but override the classes justify-center and text-red-500 with my own, like so:

<MyButton class="justify-start text-gray-100">click me</MyButton>

This should result in the following button being rendered:

<button class="text-sm font-roboto justify-center text-red-500 justify-start text-gray-100">
  click me

The issue arises when HTML prioritizes the class justify-center over justify-start. I wish for Vue to intelligently handle Tailwind classes, recognizing that if it originally had justify-center and now I provide justify-start, it should replace rather than add them both.

This behavior should extend to all Tailwind classes – replacing rather than adding original text-...., font, color, shadow, etc., classes with the new ones.

Therefore, the desired output would be:

<button class="text-sm font-roboto justify-start text-gray-100">
  click me

Answer №1

After much perseverance, I was able to achieve my goal with the help of an external tool called windtail-fusion

    <button :class="buttonStyle">
        <i class="text-base text-gray-400 font-normal">
        class="{{ buttonStyle }}"</i>

<script setup lang="ts">
    import { computed, useAttrs } from 'vue'
    import { windtailFusion } from 'windtail-fusion'

    const attrs = useAttrs()

    const buttonStyle = computed(() => {
        return windtailFusion('font-bold text-3xl justify-center text-red-500 ', attrs.class)

<script lang="ts">
    export default {
        inheritAttrs: false

Answer №2

From my perspective, you have two choices:

  1. When it comes to alignment, color, and so on, you can set props with the default classname values:
props: {
  alignment: 'start',
  // other props

Then link these props to the CSS class and apply them accordingly.

  1. Another option is to utilize vue directives:
Vue.directive('tailwind', {
  bind: function(el, binding, vnode) {
    let currentClasses = el.classList;
    for (let i = 0; i < currentClasses.length; i++) {
      let className = currentClasses[i];
      if (className.startsWith('text-') || className.startsWith('justify-') || className.startsWith('font-')) {
  update: function(el, binding, vnode) {
     let newClasses = binding.value.split(' ');
    for (let i = 0; i < newClasses.length; i++) {
      let className = newClasses[i];
      if (className.startsWith('text-') || className.startsWith('justify-') || className.startsWith('font-')) {

This directive can now be implemented as follows:

<button v-tailwind="class" class="text-sm font-roboto justify-center text-red-500">

<MyButton class="justify-start text-gray-100">click me</MyButton>

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