The background image is not displaying properly within a <span> tag

I am attempting to show a smiley icon within a span tag that is nested inside a list item. Below is the code snippet:

            It contains various tabs:{" "}
              Home - Showcase and brief information about what this website aims to be{" "}
                  padding: "25px",
                  display: "inline-block",
                  background: 'url("smile.png")',
                  height: "17px",
                  width: "50px"

This is the output I am seeing

and here is the actual smile.png image

Answer №1

Give this a shot: Maybe this will do the trick

    It features various tabs:{" "}
      Home - Showcasing and providing a brief overview of what this website aims to be{" "}
      <span style="padding: 25px; display: inline-block; height: 17px; width: 50px;">
      <img src="smile.png"></img>

Answer №2

Apologies everyone, I made a mistake in my previous explanation. I incorrectly assumed that React handles relative paths for images in the same way it does for component files. However, this is not the case. It is necessary to provide the path relative to the 'Public' directory where the server serves static files. I acknowledge and apologize for my error.

Answer №3

If you want to set a background image, there are a couple of ways you can do it:

    Import smilePic from “./smile.png”;
              padding: "25px",
              display: "inline-block",
              backgroundImage: "url(" + smilePic + ")",
              height: "17px",
              width: "50px"

Another way is to use ES6 string templates like this:

    backgroundImage: `url(${smilePic})`

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