How to set a maximum width in IE8 when using width:100%?

After researching online, I am still unable to get it to work. I have a basic HTML layout that I have been testing across different browsers. Knowing the quirks of IE, I wasn't surprised when the max-width CSS code didn't function as expected. However, I was taken aback by my inability to resolve the issue. Here is the code snippet in question:

<div class="test">This is a test!</div>

Despite setting the max-width to 650px, the TEST div will always stretch to fill 100% of the width, even if it exceeds the specified maximum size. I am specifically facing this problem in IE8. Does anyone have a solution or workaround for this?

Thank you.

Answer №1

Don't forget to include the semi-colon after setting width:100%.

Visit this link for a demonstration.


Everything is working perfectly as intended :)

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