Utilizing CSS to print specific columns on a separate page at regular intervals

I am facing a challenge with printing a very large HTML table, which is dynamic in the sense that the number of rows and columns can vary. When printing, the rows that exceed the page length are automatically continued on the next page. However, I also need any overflowing columns to be printed on a separate page.

After conducting extensive research, I have been unable to find a straightforward solution to achieve this without resorting to trial and error methods. Currently, my approach involves printing a set number of columns per page.

Is it possible to use CSS properties like page-break-after or page-break-before to address this issue? If so, how can it be implemented?

Answer №1

Controlling page breaks with CSS is not possible.

The specifications outline where page breaks are allowed to occur:

  1. In the vertical margin between block-level boxes. [...] // for example, between table rows
  2. Between line boxes inside a block container box.
  3. Between the content edge of a block container box and the outer edges of its child content[...]


Table columns are not included in this rule. Therefore, an excessively wide table row must stay on one page, potentially exceeding its width. The specs also mention different ways to handle this scenario:

When formatting content in the page model, some elements may go beyond the current page box. [...] The specific formatting of these elements is not specified in this specification. [...] Browsers have the freedom to handle elements positioned outside the page box in various ways, such as discarding them or creating new page boxes at the end of the document.


In simple terms, browsers can make their own decisions on how to handle this situation.

This remains true even in the forthcoming CSS3 specifications

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