Transformation of CSS into SASS (or LESS)

Looking for recommendations on CSS to less or CSS to sass conversion tools. I've come across a couple like and , but unsure of their reliability. Any insights or recommendations on other tools would be highly appreciated. I have a sizable CSS code base for a white label solution that could greatly benefit from a CSS preprocessor, but manual conversion to sass/less seems like a huge task.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Interested in hearing about experiences with using tools (like the ones mentioned) to convert a large CSS code base to a CSS preprocessor like SASS or LESS. Any other practical ways of achieving this? What challenges did you face? Is it worth the effort? Or are these metalanguages only suitable for new projects starting from scratch?

Answer №1

My experience with converting CSS to SASS using has been positive. Their code base can also be found on github for further exploration. Another option is to directly convert files using the sass-convert tool, which comes with the original sass gem installation. In essence, this is the main function of css2sass.

To convert, simply use the following command:

sass-convert -F css -T sass original_file.css converted_file.sass

Answer №2

One advantage of using SASS is that it doesn't require converting CSS to SASS, as SASS builds on top of CSS.

All you need to do is copy and paste, and you're ready to roll.

However, when it comes to restructuring your CSS into organized SASS files, that's where manual intervention is still necessary.

Answer №3

For any future viewers, I recommend utilizing these two online tools mentioned in this post.

First and foremost, it's beneficial to run your css through the shorthand css converter found at . This tool helps streamline your css code, making it cleaner and more concise, especially if you're not accustomed to writing css in shorthand format.

Next, consider using the css to scss converter available at . This tool is great for transforming css files into scss format, including converting colors, setting variables for colors and fonts, and providing a basic understanding of sass by demonstrating the changes it makes to your css.

One drawback I've noticed with the scss converter is its font naming convention, which labels fonts as

$font_0: Open Sans; $font_1: Roboto Condensed; $font_2: arial;
, and so forth. I personally find it more user-friendly to use shorter, more descriptive names for fonts, such as
$font_main, $font_sub, $font_callout, $font_titles
, or any naming convention that relates to the content. However, this can easily be rectified by renaming the fonts once you paste the converted code back into your new scss file. It's just a quick 30-second fix!

Answer №4

I came across a useful online conversion tool not too long ago:

Although it did help me with my conversions, I noticed that it occasionally rejects valid css code.

Answer №5

I just stumbled upon something interesting: Leafo

This tool helps with basic formatting, like:

#header {
/* ... */

#header p {
/* ... */
turns into

#header {
/* ... */
p {
/* ... */

Give it a try and see if it works for you!

Also, if you need to convert sass to css, you can check out the sass online website... Try Sass Online

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