Extract SCSS import filepaths using NPM and Gulp

Currently, in my gulp setup, I have several CSS files being produced - a general 'core' one, and then template-specific stylesheets.

Instead of re-compiling all stylesheets with each change, the setup only compiles the necessary ones. However, this has resulted in complex "watch" paths that cover many files reflecting what's in the primary SCSS files for each template (which contain @use/@import statements).

I had an idea: rather than manually writing out all the watch filepaths, why not 'crawl' the SCSS file to automatically grab all the filepaths for any @use/@import statements recursively?

For example, let's take this "blog.scss" file:

    // Variables 
    @import 'variables';
    // Tools
    @import './tools';
    // Parts
    @import './core/base';
    @import './templates/blog';

Is there a way to extract all the filepaths for its @import statements? Like so:


I've thought about fetching the file as a string and using regex, but that wouldn't account for file extensions (.scss/.css/_partials.scss) and could lead to other issues.

Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

Incremental build systems are designed to compile only files that have been changed, without affecting anything else.

If you want to dive deeper into this concept, I highly recommend reading the article titled Incremental SASS Builds with Gulp by Sarthak Batra.

For a quick solution, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you are using gulpJS v4 by checking your project directory with the console command: gulp -v

  2. Install the gulp-dependents plugin using the command: npm i --save-dev gulp-dependents in your project folder.

  3. Add the import statement for

    const dependents = require("gulp-dependents")
    in your gulpfile.js.

  4. Update your gulp styles function to only compile changed files.

function styles(callMeBack) {
  return gulp
    .src(paths.styles.src, { since: gulp.lastRun(styles) })
    .on("end", callMeBack)
  • path.styles.src refers to the path of your styles folder;
  • since: gulp.lastRun(styles) checks if current files have been changed since the last run;
  • .dependents() performs a deep search to find files dependent on the current one in the pipeline;
  • The .scss() and gulp.dest functions are self-explanatory;
  • Only the styles that were edited will be compiled as a result;
  1. If you have multiple styles functions, consider creating a new one to avoid disrupting your workflow.

P.S Using since.lastRun ensures changes are detected correctly after the first run, following a process of compiling everything initially, waiting for changes, checking changes, and compiling only edited files.

P.P.S Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

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