How to retrieve an element's background color in hexadecimal using jQuery

I am attempting to retrieve the background colors of elements.

    //$(this).css({'box-shadow':'1px 1px 20px'+});

It's not working and giving me back an error message:

:TypeError: invalid 'in' operand a

I want to extract the background color of each element and convert it into hex color.

Answer №1

Instead of simply looping through a string, you should utilize the .each method like this:

$(".log-widget").each(function() { ... });

Another option is to use $.each, but make sure to pass in a jQuery set:

$.each($(".log-widget"), function() { ... });

Regardless of your choice, remember that you need to convert the selector string into a set for it to work properly.

Answer №2

Highlighted by @pimvdb, it was identified that your use of the .each method was incorrect. Unfortunately, there is no built-in method to retrieve hexadecimal colors in JavaScript. You will need to perform the conversion manually. Refer to this response on a related inquiry for more information: tiny link.

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